

ConshyBikeCrew is a riding club based in Conshohocken dedicated to uniting the community through exercise and conversation. 




Tomorrow at 9am, ConshyBikeCrew will meet for the second iteration of their most popular ride, RideOutxBlackOut. The group will meet at 161 W Washington Street in Conshohocken and ride to their first pit-stop at Chloe's Ice Cream at 4162 Main Street in Manayunk. From there, they will ride to the Art Museum in Philadelphia and hold a group discussion. The group will return with a pit stop again in Manayunk. 

Link to FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/876368436179163/

Wear all black and wear your mask for the socially-distant, educational, solidarity ride. ConshyBikeCrew is accepting donations for folks living in the encampment on The Parkway: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8qoG2aipCM?fbclid=IwAR0lFq9qWUXaWn3UgEHUB6qn71JQVYU0WTPHQXsjG2cy12NupJJ1xeF0fKA