The Mainline Greenway & A More Walkable Haverford
Anyone who rides a bike around Montgomery County and Delaware County has probably heard something about "The Mainline Greenway" or the "LM/Narb Greenway". In an area like ours, dominated by high speed motor vehicle traffic, the concept of an arterial bike path may seem impractical. To the residents of our area who use their bicycle as their primary mode of transportation, The Mainline Greenway is necessary for survival.
The Mainline Greenway doesn't exist yet. It is simply the name for the proposed bike path that would connect West Laurel Hill Cemetery and Arboretum to Stoneleigh Gardens. Despite the theoretical nature of The Mainline Greenway, multiple community bike rides have already taken place along the route. On September 28th, Lower Merion Township's own Chris Leswing with the help of Narberth Cycling Club (And some support help from City Ave Sweepers!) led 50+ local cyclists on a 20 mile round trip along the proposed route. This was not the first ride of this nature but it was the most well-attended to date. Support is growing.
(Photo from Narberth Cycling Club Facebook Page)
Want to learn more or get involved? There is a meeting on November 9th from 2pm - 3pm at Stokes Hall/Haverford College. Enjoy complimentary food and drinks while learning more about this exciting project. Stay for a free screening of Motherload : A crowd sourced cargo bike documentary. The event is free but tickets must be claimed in advance. More info here.
Cyclists are not the only group that are set to benefit from a more connected Main Line. There are countless studies and articles showing the positive effects that bike lanes and pedestrian plazas have on small businesses. The Greenway is just the beginning.
Residents and businesses in Haverford should take particular interest to this survey shared by Eric Hartman of Bike Delaware County : - The intersection of Lancaster Avenue and Haverford Station Avenue is being re-imagined to accommodate healthier transportation such as walking and biking. Currently, this stretch of Lancaster Avenue is dominated by traffic speeding through our business district to get elsewhere. Haverford College is bisected from the SEPTA Regional Rail Station by a dangerous stream of vehicles driving well over 45 miles per hour. If Lancaster Avenue exists only to carry people past our town, what infrastructure exists to bring us all together? Voice your opinion on this matter. The planning commission meeting on this topic will be held on November 4th at 6:30. For more information click here.
(Photo from Narberth Cycling Club Facebook Page)
What do you think about the concept of a "Mainline Greenway"? Do you already ride your bike along this route? Have a correction or contribution? Comment below!
MECHANIC/ Bicycle Pro Shop is dedicated to supporting our local cycling community. Stop by the shop to pick up free information about The Circuit Trail Network & cyclist's rights.