"Yes, The Bicycle Supply Chain Really Is Destroyed." Sale
If you have been into a bike shop anytime since March, you will surely have noticed bicycle basics we have taken for granted are out of stock. Kid's bike tubes, cheap tires, and affordable derailleurs are not just sold out from your local bike shop. They are sold out from most manufacturers and distributors.
(Here we see a cyclist in need of a wheel.)
The bicycle boom is a great thing. People are getting outside and exploring their world a little slower, from two wheels. Most bike shops sold their inventories in just one or two months. When it became clear that cycling would skyrocket in popularity, big bicycle chains and industry part-hoarders bought up all available bicycle products in the United States.
(A stock photo representing the massive buying and storage power of big bicycle chains.)
The bike shop: cyclist relationship can sometimes be a tricky one. If your LBS has told you something outlandish like “the only tire available is $80” or “this part will not be available until November” they are probably telling you the truth. Shops are doing their best to offer you reasonable solutions and fixes. Expect to compromise on wait time, color, price, or style, for most bicycle needs until late-Fall.
As a result of all this, we put our ENVE SES Wheels and some other droolworthy stuff on sale.
May our stocking crisis be the key to your Q/KOM.
Invisible bike photo by Razzo100 on DeviantArt
What does your bike need that is completely out of stock? Comment below! :D